Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Start

We went to our much anticipated doctor's appointment today. He is a great doctor and has given me some hope. He is running test to check for: lactose intolerance, milk protein intolerance, celiac disease and cystic fibrosis. Those last two scare me to death but I am not going to worry until we get results next week.
My little guy is so tough- literally! We had to do a sweat test for the CF and he HATED having his arm held for 5 minutes. We then had to let him run around for 25 minutes (just what he loves!) but he touched a hot piece of metal when on his adventures :( Then came the hardest part, we had to do the blood test twice, so he has battle wounds on both arms :( :( The nurses were amazed at how strong he was and how hard he fought. That's my man!
So now, we wait...wait for the results and wait for our doctor's appointment at Primary's on December 21st....but at least it's a start.


Jonathan and Chelsea said...

Wow.. Poor little guy! It's got to be so hard to have to watch him go thru al this.. And to go thru it yourselves.. I hope everything turns out well!
You all are in our prayers!

Wes and Dani said...

Good luck!!!! I hope all the results come back great. :)

Chelsie Sanders said...

Good luck, I hope he doesn't have any of them! I agree though, the last two would be the worst. Keep us updated!